Tom Richter

Contributing Writer.

Tom is a dedicated long-time Ashtanga Yoga practitioner, passionate Yoga teacher, inspiring Yoga business & life coach, and whole-food & healthy-living enthusiast.   

As a teacher, Tom believes in the benefits of learning yoga through the Mysore style self-practice classes. He encourages students to develop their personal practice rooted in the Mysore tradition yet incorporating their individual needs. Tom studied with many senior Ashtanga Yoga teachers and is grateful for the guidance by his primary teacher Paul Dallaghan, who also initiated him in Pranayama practices in the lineage of the Kaivalyadhama Institute. He mainly leads a traditional Mysore program and Ashtanga Intensives  at GaiaYoga School & Shala Zagreb as well as at Phoenix Institut Dresden, and together with his partner Sandra teaches yoga retreats in India.
As a coach, through applying the principles of Yoga, as well as his experience in business and management, Tom supports and inspires Yoga teachers to become aware of their unique gifts and how to share them successfully with the world.  In workshops, online programs and one-on-one-coaching sessions, he   offers tools and techniques to aspiring Yoga teachers and practitioners to help them get started and/or stay focused in walking their yoga path while supporting the growth of others through their teachings.   

Photos: Sandra db


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