Sophie Sôfrēē

Teacher. Musician. Ecstatic DJ

Sophie Sôfree is the co-founder of Wakamaia, where she curates a celebration of music, art, retreats, and indigenous artisans. Originally from Singapore, she followed synchronicity and her heart's calling to Bali, where she now resides and thrives. 

She's always had a strong calling to study various spiritual paths and indigenous tribal cultures, and for the past decade, her path has been dedicated to learning yoga, the healing power of ecstatic dance, mantra, and the healing tools of the Earth.

At home in Ubud, Bali, you can find her DJ'ing for ecstatic dance floors, teaching Kundalini Yoga and Mandala meditation classes, or designing retreats in wisdom cultures such as Bhutan, Peru & Bali. Her greatest joy is empowering others to tap into their creativity and reverence for life itself. 

Sophie's allegiance to the Earth can be felt through her DJ sets, classes, illustrations and passion to support indigenous cultures . Through this bridging of traditions, she hopes that the paradigm can be shifted towards a thriving future for all.

To learn more:



IG: @sophiesofree

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Welcome to Supersoul.Yoga!

Supersoul = ‘Paramatman’ (परमात्मन्) or the Supereme Soul, exists in the hearts of all beings. (Bhagavad Gita)

Yoga teaches us to live fully, selflessly and gracefully. Creating and holding space for this process, igniting possibilities for more conscious living is at the heart of what we do.

2024 UPDATE: We have been so busy this year circling the globe, visiting the ancient lands, learning, and passing on the knowledge. As we near 2024, we are intentionally taking some time off to recalibrate and finetune our offerings and- please be patient and return to this page for more info soon.

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