Actor, Dancer, and Yogini, at the age of 18 Julia began her yoga journey, first drawn to Iyengar Yoga and Buddhist Meditation. In 2014 however, when Julia was introduced to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, it was apparent to her that this one dynamic practice encompassed all the magic and wonder of a mystical journey of self-expression and discovery.
Julia met John in 2016 their two energies fuelled a life together of adventure and discovery.
In 2017 she completed her 200 hour JSY Teacher Training.
When Julia is teaching/sharing and adjusting in yoga asana, she draws from her multiple disciplines. She incorporates and integrates relationship skills so that the student feels met, held and supported, allowing for their inner expression to be articulated.
In 2020 Julia and John completed a Sound Healing Training and enjoy incorporating their new skills into their exploration and journey into asana pranayama and meditation through the inner vibrations of Mantra.